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Avebury Spiritual Events & Workshops:

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INDOOR Avebury Meditation Workshops

Regular monthly Meditation Groups in Avebury to support multi-dimensional self awareness, and a conscious connecting with the energetic entities of higher-dimensions.

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Indoor Events 

Following Covid Guidelines

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Meditation Workshops

  • Cosmic Connection Meditations for Moon Cycles/Season Shifts.

  • Speaking with the Star Nations

  • Crystal Skull Meditations

  • Special 'Star Wisdom' Workshops

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Online Workshops Running

Facilitated by: Sue Coulson

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OUTDOOR Avebury Meditations & Retreats

Monthly Moon Meditations and quarterly Seasonal Event/Retreats to make a conscious connection with the earth energies of Avebury Stone Circle and surrounding sacred landscape.

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Outdoor Events Running

Facilitated by Sue Coulson

Featured Meditation Workshops:

3. Moon Meditation. Avebury. CosmicClassroom..jpg
Pisces Full Moon Meditation

Online Live via Zoom

Saturday 10th September 2022

An empowering guided visualization meditation to expand awareness of the multi-dimensional self, to allow for the smooth integration of the Cosmic vibrations available through the energetic portal created by the peek of the Full Moon

Capricorn Full/Blue Moon

Outdoor Meditation. Hopton-on-Sea. UK

Sunday 21st July 2024

An empowering guided visualization meditation to expand awareness of the multi-dimensional self, to allow for the smooth integration of the Cosmic vibrations available to us during the peek of this lunar cycle, at this St Michel Ley node point.

Lunar Eclipse. Star Wisdom. Avebury Meditation Workshop. Cosmic Classroom.jpg
Lunar Eclipse Star Wisdom

Online Meditation Workshop Live via Zoom

Scorpio Full Moon. 16th May 2022

Receive the empowering star-code of ascension available through the Lunar Eclipse portal by participating in a guided visualization meditation.  Expand awareness of the multi-dimensional self, and allow for the smooth integration of new Cosmic vibrations.

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Solar Eclipse Star Wisdom

Online Meditation Workshop Live via Zoom

Taurus New Moon.  30th April 2022

Receive the empowering star-code of ascension available through the Solar Eclipse portal by participating in a guided visualization meditation.  Expand awareness of the multi-dimensional self, and allow for the smooth integration of new Cosmic vibrations.

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Closing the Eclipse Season

Online Workshop Live via Zoom

Capricorn New Moon. 2nd Jan 2022

An opportunity to consolidate all the transforming star-codes which have  been received through the eclipse season, and empower the new sense of Self creating the Future. 

Phoenix Star Codes. Equinox Meditaiton. Cosmic Classroom. Avebury Stone Circle.jpg
Phoenix Star-Codes

Online Meditation Workshop via Zoom

Tuesday 21st March 2023

Connect with the energy of Phoenix to bring through the Star-Codes of the Equinox New Moon which initiates both a new Solar and Lunar cycle to elevate the consciousness of New Earth

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Gemini Full Moon Meditation

Online Workshop Live via Zoom

Galactic Center. 18th Dec 2021

An empowering guided visualization meditation to expand awareness of the multi-dimensional self, to allow for the smooth integration of the Cosmic vibrations available through the energetic portal created by the peek of the Full Moon  

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Spring Equinox Meditation

Outdoors at Avebury Stone Circle

Sunday 20th March 2020

We stand together as One Heart to welcome the Cosmic vibrations which flow to us as the Earth reaches her equilibrium moment and at the start a new zodiac cycle. 

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Solstice Star Wisdom

Online Meditation Workshop Live via Zoom

Tuesday 21st June 2022

An opportunity to consciously connect with the transforming Solstice star-codes and receive Star Wisdom from the Star Nations to empower a new sense of Self.

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Speaking with the Star Nations

Special In Person Workshop: Avebury

Sunday 7th July 2024

We hold the expectation of bringing forwards new vibrations & information from the Star Nations through empowering meditations with the Beings of Sirius, for personal expansion, and to help the collective consciousness of our planet evolve.

Email for Information
Avebury Autumn Equinox Outdoor Meditation. Free Event. Cosmic Classroom.jpg
Autumn Equinox Meditation

Outdoors at Avebury Stone Circle

Friday 23rd September 2022

We stand together in Meditation as One Heart in a space of balance and peace to welcome the Cosmic vibrations which flow to us as the Earth reaches her equilibrium moment. 

Additional Autumn Equinox Events in Avebury during September 2022

Click on the Images to view the details

22.9.22 Star Portal. Equinox. Avebury. Cosmic Connection Meditaion. Cosmic Classroom.jpg
Balance. Equinox Gathering. Libra New Moon. Avebury Stone Circle. Cosmic Classroom.jpg
Solstice Starlight Transmission. Cosmic Classroom..jpg
Solstice Starlight Transmission

Online Workshop Live via Zoom

Tuesday 21st December 2021

A meditation to expand awareness of the multi-dimensional self, to allow for the smooth integration of the Cosmic vibration of Solstice flowing to us from the Starlight Realms.

Details Coming Soon
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Free: Winter Solstice Meditation

Outdoors at Avebury Stone Circle

Tuesday 21st December 2021. 3.30pm

We stand together as One Heart to welcome the return of the Light at the zenith of Solstice, the turning-point in the annual cycle of the Sun, during sunset on the shortest day of the year.

Crystal Skull
Crystal Skull Meditation

Meditation Workshop: In Person. Avebury

Sunday 6th February 2022

This 4  hour gathering offers an opportunity to immerse ourselves deeply in the wisdom held within the Crystal Skull Collective for an expansion in personal and collective consciousness 

Intermediate: Some previous meditation experience required.

1. Speaking with the Star Nations. Cosmi
Speaking with the Star Nations

Meditation Workshop Online Live via Zoom

Friday 26th November 2021

We hold the expectation of bringing forwards new vibrations & information from the Star Nations through  empowering meditations, for personal expansion, and to help the collective consciousness of our planet evolve.

Meditation Workshops Coming Soon:

Elven Starbeing Meditation Workshop. Cosmic Classroom. Zoya.jpg
Elven Starbeing

Meditation Workshop: Online via Zoom

Sunday 21st November 2021

Connect with the High Elven Race of Star Beings associated with the Pleiades through this Meditation Workshop with the Star Elfin Crystals Skulls. Intermediate. Some previous meditation required.

Pleiades Online Meditaiton Workshop. Alcyone. Cosmic Classroom. Avebury. Sue Coulson.jpg
Alcyone Transmission

Meditation Workshop: Online via Zoom

Saturday 21st May 2022

As the Sun makes its annual transit through the Pleiades Stars we utilize the alignment to receive a transmission from the higher-dimensional Being-of Light of Alcyone, the brightest Star.

Pleiades Online Meditaiton Workshop. Cosmic Classroom. Avebury. Sue Coulson.jpg
Pleiades Star Wisdom

Meditation Workshop: Online via Zoom

Wednesday 22nd June 2022  (Evening)

Mercury/Pleiades Alignment ~ Offering an opportunity to connect with the beautiful Beings of the Pleiades Stars, to receive personal insights, and deliver important star-codes to our planet.

Star Elfin Crystal Skull. In Person. Cosmic Classroom.jpg
Introduction to Star Elfin's

Meditation Workshop: In Person. Avebury

Saturday 28th May 2022

Connect with the High Elven Race of Star Beings associated with the Pleiades through this Meditation Workshop with the Star Elfin Crystals Skulls. Open to ALL..

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Pleiadian High Elven

Meditation Workshop: Online via Zoom

Friday 20th May 2022

Connect with the High Elven Race of Star Beings associated with the Pleiades through this Meditation Workshop with the Star Elfin Crystals Skulls. Intermediate. Some previous meditation required.

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Star Faerie Crystal Skull

Meditation Workshop: In Person. Avebury

2022 date yet to be confirmed

These unique and beautiful Star Faerie Crystals Skulls open an opportunity for Cosmic explorations through this Meditation Workshop. Intermediate. Some previous meditation required.

Star Lion. White Lion. Online Meditation
Lionine Starbeing Workshop

Online Live via Zoom

2022 date yet to be confirmed

Utilizing journey meditation techniques we will travel to several star constellations to meet the different Lionine Starbeings. We hold the expectation of bringing forwards new vibrations & information, for personal and planetary expansion. 

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8.8 Lion Gate Transmission

Online Meditation Workshop Live via Zoom

Monday 8th August 2022 (Morning)

An empowering guided visualization meditation to connect with the Lionine Star Beings and receive the dazzling opening transmission of the 8.8 Lion Gate.  Hosted live Online from the Cosmic Classroom™ within the Avebury Stone Circle

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8.8 Lion Gate Meditation

Outdoors. Avebury. Wilts. UK.

Monday 8th August 2022 (Evening)

This Outdoor evening gathering in the ancient sacred landscape of Avebury brings together all those who hear the Lionine Star Beings roar: Open your heart to Cosmic Love; to receive a star-code transmission for personal and collective empowerment.

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Global Crystal Skull Convention

Online via Zoom

Saturday 15th October 2022

6 Presentation from international Skull Guardians, speaking of their connection & work with the Skulls.  Plus, closing Meditation for Global Heart Unification & Question Time.

8.8 Liongate Gathering 2023. Full day workshop. Avebury Stone Circle. Cosmic Classroom.jpg
8.8 Lion Gate Gathering

Indoor/Outdoors. Avebury. Wilts. UK.

Tueday 8th August 2023 (Daytime)

A small daytime gathering in the Cosmic Classroom, and outdoors in the Avebury Stone Circle, to brings together those willing to receive light-code transmissions from the Lionine Star Beings for personal and collective heart-expansion.

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FREE Crystal Skull Meditation

Meet the Guardians: Henge Shop. Avebury

Sunday 16th october 2022

In Persona Gathering within Avebury Stone Circle to bring the Crystal Skull Guardians together.  Meet the UK presenters of the Conference & participate in a FREE outdoor Meditation.

22.4.22 Meditation

Online Live via Zoom

Friday 22nd April 2022

We utilize this inimitable numerological date to 'Empower the Creator Self' with the Cosmic Light-Codes that are available to us at this special time, for personal alignment with the vibrations of New Earth & higher-dimension awareness. 

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Crystal Skull Meditation

In Person Workshop: Avebury.

Sunday 15th January 2023

This 3  hour gathering offers an opportunity to immerse ourselves deeply in the wisdom held within the Crystal Skull Collective for an expansion in personal and collective consciousness 

Intermediate: Some previous meditation experience required.

Learn More
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Leo Full Moon Meditation

Meditation Workshop: Online via Zoom

Sunday 5th February 2023

An empowering guided visualization meditation to expand awareness of the multi-dimensional self, to allow for the smooth integration of the Cosmic vibrations available through the energetic portal created by the peak of the Full Moon

Soul-Light Embodiment. High Elven Star Being Meditation. 18.1.23.jpg
Soul-Light Embodiment

Online Live via Zoom

Wed 18th January 2023

During the transforming Sun/Pluto alignment in the Capricorn stars there is an opportunity to receive empowering Star Wisdom from the High Elven Beings of the Pleiades Stars.

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Aquarius New Moon Meditation

Meditation Workshop: Online via Zoom

Saturday 21st January 2023

An empowering guided visualization meditation to expand awareness of the multi-dimensional self, to allow for the smooth integration of the Cosmic vibrations available through the energetic portal created by the inception of the New Moon

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8.8 Lion Gate Transmission

Online Meditation Live via Zoom

Thursday 8th August 2024 (Morning)

An empowering guided visualization meditation to connect with the Lionine Star Beings and receive the dazzling opening transmission of Light for the 8.8.8 Lion Gate.

8.8.8 Lion Gate. Avebury Stone Circle. Meditation. 10th.jpg
8.8 Lion Gate Meditation

Outdoors. Avebury. Wilts. UK.

Thursday 8th August 2024 (Evening)

This Outdoor evening gathering in the ancient sacred landscape of Avebury brings together all those who hear the Lionine Star Beings roar: Open your heart to Cosmic Love; to receive a star-code transmission for personal and collective empowerment.

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11:11:11 Peace Meditation

Outdoors at Avebury Stone Circle

Saturday 11th November 2023

ALL those are welcome who would like to stand together as One Heart to anchor the intention of Peace into the collective.

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Aries Full Moon

Online Meditation Workshop via Zoom

Thurs 28th Sept 2023

An empowering guided meditation to expand awareness of the multi-dimensional Self, to receive wisdom from the Star Nations and integrate the Cosmic vibrations available through the energetic portal created by the peek of the Full Moon.  

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Eclipse: Soul-Path Ignition

Retreat. Avebury Stone Circle

Sat/Sun 14th/15th Oct 2023

An immersive experience with the sacred landscape of the worlds largest ancient stone circle ~ Offering peace, relaxation, and cosmic connections; to empower the Self, allowing the Heart-Light to shine, illuminate one's Soul-Path. Details HERE

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Taurus Full Moon: Stone Sense

Outdoors. Avebury Landscape

Saturday 28th Oct 2023

An immersive half-day among in the Avebury monument to discover more about yourself and this ancient sacred landscape in a shamanic-style journey of connection to the land, stones and stars, on the day of the Lunar Eclipse Moon.

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Free Winter Solstice Meditation

Outdoors at Avebury Stone Circle

Thurs 21st December 2023

We stand together as One Heart to honor the darkness at the turning-point in the annual cycle of the Sun, during sunset on Solstice eve, prior to the return of the Light. 

CANCELLED: due to illness
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Equinox Cosmic Connections

Recorded Meditation Activation via Zoom

20th March 2024

An empowering guided meditation to expand awareness of the multi-dimensional Self, to receive wisdom from the Star Nations and integrate the Cosmic vibrations of Equinox.
Exclusively for the MOON WISE'ing Patreon Community.  

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