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Avebury Autumn Equinox Outdoor Meditation. Free Event. Cosmic Classroom.jpg

Join us at the ancient Stone Circle of Avebury, Wiltshire, UK, to participate in an outdoor Meditation at Autumn Equinox for this FREE event.

As the Sun moves into the position of zero degrees Libra on the zodiac wheel it denotes the September Equinox moment. In 2022 this occurs at 02.04 BST on 23rd September (UK Time). As this is at an unsociable time, in the early hours of the morning, it has been decided to hold the Meditation over the high-point of the Sun journey through the sky on this day, which is at 13.00 BST.


This seasonal transition marks the start of autumn fall in the northern hemisphere, and the beginning of the spring bloom in the southern hemisphere. It also activates a notable vibration shift within the earth-currents of the global grids.  It is possible to perceive these fluctuations in the streams of energy which travel through the sacred site of Avebury Stone Circle, which can feels omni-present and intensified in this moment of apparent suspension.


At this time we stand together as One Heart to attune to the stillness of this balance point in the Earths seasonal cycle.


This promises to be an empowering gathering, where you are invited to participate in a Guided Visualisation Meditation to assist both personal and planetary integration of the Cosmic vibrations flowing through the Earth, Stones & the Stars at this time.

We will gather from 12.30pm to 13.30pm, and the meditation will start promptly at 12.45pm after a brief introduction. Please be on time so as not to disturb others. Thank you!


Directions: We will be holding the meditation in the South West section of the Avebury Stone Circle (The behind the Henge Shop).


You will find information boards with direction outside the Henge Shop on the High Street.


This is a FREE event.

Please park in the main NT facility on the A4361. There is a parking fee of £7 for day tickets, Free to non-member. NT Members park free. Postcode for Satnav: SN8 1RD.

Please Note:

  • You are responsible for you own Health and Safety in the Public Space.

  • This is an afternoon outdoor event.

  • Please dress appropriately in warm outdoor clothing and sturdy waterproof boots/shoes.

  • We will be standing or walk for the whole of this event over grass fields and uneven ground which sometimes contain farm animals.

  • There is limited disabled/wheelchair access.

Meditation Location Map. Autumn Equinox.jpg
Sue Coulson.jpg

This gathering will be facilitated by Sue Coulson, the founder of the Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.


Sue has been visiting the stones at each moon phase & seasonal shift to study the energy of Avebury Henge for over 15 years as part of the Psychic Survey project. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw upon to make this a unique way to expand your awareness of your Multi-Dimensional Self, and how you connect to the Cosmos.


Cosmic Connection Meditations are held for the Full Moon and New Moon zenith each month.  View the details HERE

To read insights from previous event click HERE

Additional Autumn Equinox Events in Avebury during September 2022

Click on the Images to view the details

22.9.22 Star Portal. Equinox. Avebury. Cosmic Connection Meditaion. Cosmic Classroom.jpg
Balance. Equinox Gathering. Libra New Moon. Avebury Stone Circle. Cosmic Classroom.jpg
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