About Sue Coulson
Sue Coulson is a natural intuitive and an accomplished channel. By accepting an invitation to become an ambassador for the Higher-Dimensional Beings-of-Light of the Star Nations, to be a voice to bring their ‘Star Wisdom’ to our world, she has taken a role which allow her to utilize her unique gifts and aligns with her soul purpose.
Since 2007 she has been developing a supportive relationship with a collective of Lightbeings from the Pleiades. Further advancements in 2011 brought a constant source of comforting companionship when a member of the Lionine Star Races made contact. Expanding on these friendly foundations Sue now regularly communicates with the conscious entities from a diverse range of star systems.
A rapport with the Crystal Skulls continues to open a clear pathway to these treasured experience.
In recent time she has found a base at The Henge Shop, on the High Street in Avebury, which feels like the perfect place to develop her work. It is an honour and a privilege to be able to host Cosmic Classroom gathering inside the ancient Stone Circle that is so dear to Sue’s Heart, as the energetics of Avebury are so intrinsically interwoven with her spiritual journey.
Sue has a deep affinity with this special sacred site, and the land which surrounds it. She has been visiting the stones at each moon phases & studying the energy of Avebury Henge for over 14 years. The insights gained through this dedicated exploration has highlighted the significance of the lunar cycles and the seasonal shifts upon the earth currents of the global grids and their influence upon the vibrations within the cosmic infrastructure.
Sue tells her personal story of how the Cosmic Classroom came to be, in a book titled, ‘Sensing the Earth: Messages from the Wisdom Keepers’, in a chapter titled: The awakening journey to cosmic consciousness.
This inspiring anthology, with over 50 collaborations,all of who are considered to be leading lights in their field was compiled by Peter Knight and Sue Wallace, and released in 2020 by Stone Seeker Publishing.
It is available directly from the publisher Here
.....and from the bookshelves of the Henge Shop in Avebury. Order online Here
.....and from Amazon, of course
Sue’s responsibility in the Cosmic Classroom is to create a comfortable, safe and relaxing environment within this high-vibration space, so that those who have followed their hearts to gather here can be held in a nurturing way, as they expand into an awareness of their multi-dimensional self to explore the unseen realms.
Sue has many years of experience supporting those who wish to develop their cosmic consciousness, and form lasting relationship with the benevolent Beings from other realms.
Notable References include:
D. K. Henderson. Author of the Skull Chronicle series, dedicated the first edition of Lost Legacy, the first book of the series, to Sue Coulson.
Dawn Henderson. Author of Star Speak I and Star Speak II mentions the supporting role Sue Coulson played in bringing the messages contained in these books to the world, in the introductions.
Clea Gomples. Author of, Wisdom from the Crystal Skulls Oracle Deck, praises Sue Coulson for her support in both the Acknowledgments and the Introduction of the accompanying booklet.