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Solstice Light in Avebury 2021

Solstice zenith: 15.59 GMT Tuesday 21st December 2021.

As the vibrant orb of the Sun sank towards it's winter resting place at its maximum declination in the south sky, the air was crisp and clear creating a beautiful backdrop to our Solstice gathering among the Avebury Stones. It is a special moment, the pivot-point, as the dark nights of Winter come to their peak, and the Earth turns on it's axis to welcome the return-of-the-Light in the northern hemisphere.

This year's message came loud and clear: Focus on the Light within. We may be at the longest night and the darkest time of the year in Avebury, but in the southern hemisphere the opposite is true. At this time they celebrate their longest day and the most abundance of Light. We are reminded here about perspective and to focus on the choices we make, as it is possible for us to follow the path of light, always.

We each hold a Light in our Hearts, and our attention was called here for our meditation. We boosted our inner-Light by expanding our Heart's capacity to Love, sharing and amplifying Love between us, the Earth, the Stone, and the Stars, before connecting into the collective to send our Love to ALL others who join us on this journey of Life. We remembered those who have made their transition into spirit this year and the ancestors of old who have walked this path before us. Many from the Light-realms came close to support us, but their message was clear ~ Develop the acceptance and integration of the Light you hold within, so that you KNOW of your own Light and feel stable, balanced and supported by the Heart-Light even in times of the greatest darkness. So much Love poured through our circle, through the Avebury Stone Circle, in ever increasing circles within circles, spreading Love throughout the Land to all places, people, life-forms and conscious entities in the Cosmos.

A heart-expanding moment for sure. I am filled with gratitude for the 50 or so people who so openly shared their Love with each other in this sacred space to transmit Love through the St Michael/St Mary currents of the Ley in the Earth-grids through the Global Heart Line. We felt the presence of so many others around the world anchoring their Love and Light with the same intention. The words to take away from this special day: Light, Love, Self-empowerment.

It felt as if the weather-guardians heard our Hearts call out; spreading the Light of Self-Love and Compassion into the Golden foundations of New Earth. The Solstice Dawn was a spectacular display of Gold & Pink Rays over the pristine crystalline structures on the surface of the land. It felt like the world was awakening to a sparkly new wonderland, where the light of a new way could be woven into the light-structures of Earth with ease.

We have Avebury wildlife photographer, David White, to thank for these superb images.

Sending Solstice Blessings of Peace to All from Avebury ~ With deep Love ~ Sue xXx


Sue Coulson: Channel | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of Cosmic Classroomâ„¢, Avebury, UK.

Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos.

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