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Virgo Full Moon Insights

27th February 2021 ~ 08.17 GMT (UK Time)

It was a crisp and bright view from the Cosmic Classroom™ this morning, once the ground-fog lifted, to reveal a dazzling day. The rising sunlight set the stones and the frost coated grass ablaze with its rays, reflected diamond light off the crystalline structures of quartz and ice alike. The energy felt just a fresh and clear as the air, creating easy access to an expanded sense of Self. I recorded a V-Blog to share my insights into the theme of this Full Moon. It also offers an invitation to be present with Multi-Dimensional Self for a few moment.

It feels like an important day to focus on the Self. To understand the Self on a deeper level.

Sometimes it is of value to view the Self, or recognize aspects of the Self, in a reflection that come back to us from those who surround us. But, this can leave our self-worth vulnerable to the subjective point-of-view of another. Today I invite you to illuminate your Heart with a much Self-Love as you can muster, and allow this beautiful full moon to reflect back to you a view of your radiant Self. I send starlight blessings, wrapped in moonbeams and Cosmic Love, to surround you in all that you do on this spectacular Full Moon day ~ Sue


Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos Do check out the details of the upcoming Pisces New Moon Cosmic Connection Meditation HERE

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