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Winter Solstice/New Moon in Avebury 2022

Review of: 1. Solstice Star Wisdom Workshop on 18th December when the Sun made it's annual alignment with the Galactic Center. 2. Winter Solstice Outdoor Meditation. 3. Capricorn New Moon. 23rd December 2022


New Light arrives to birth the emergence of a new way of Being, where the Heart-of-Humanity is in harmony with the cosmic flows, and more individuals reach up in transcendent consciousness to embody the radiance of their Soul-Self.

The Stellar-Whales deliver new vibrations on the Red-Rays to re-pattern the sub-structures in the fabric of physicality to allow for expansion, with the support of the Cosmic-Dragon Clan from Thuban.

A message comes:

'In the beginning there was light, and so it is now (Solstice).

New structures form first a light, and in this moment there is new light to be birthed into Being ~ The light of the Heart ~ The light of the Self-empowered Heart.

Reach into the knowing of the Sovereign-Self and allow this indomitable force to illuminate the clarity with forms the new layers of consciousness within the Self, which can then contribute to the collective. Play your part in the symphony by authentically embodying your uniqueness, and find your personal stability here.

There are things to be been before they can be believed, and yet many more things which can be perceived through a process of Trust in the Heart'.

I send Solstice Blessings to All, as always, along with much gratitude to those who have joined me in Avebury over this powerful period to open their Hearts to receive the starlight and connect with the Land

The Capricorn New Moon on 23rd December brought a mixture of sunshine and rain to Avebury, reminding us of the balance to be found between fire and water, and also air and earth.

As the cosmic energies move forwards in a new rhythm after the Solstice transition we are asked to focus within to connect with the core of our stability.


Sue Coulson: Channel | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of : Cosmic Classroomâ„¢, Avebury, UK.

Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos from the Heart of the Avebury Stone Circle.

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