Taurus New Moon. Black Moon. Partial Solar Eclipse. Sun & Moon conjunction with Uranus in Taurus. Venus and Jupiter conjunction in Pisces. Mercury in alignment with the Pleiades Stars. 30th April 2022 at 21.28 BST (UK ~ Adjust for your timezone)
What does it mean and why does it matter?
It matters to me because I feel it's effect within my body, within the body of the Earth. I notice new thoughts running through my mind, and I see similar patterns being expressed by those who surround me.
What matters? Why does it matter? How is what matters to me perceived/received by others, and how do I respond to that?
There is an opportunity to dive deeply into old patterns of belief through the shadow of the eclipse window.
It seems to me that many of us are being challenged by the current cosmic influence to assess our value, our Self-value, our Self-worth, and what aspects of our Light/Gifts we share with the world. If there is resistance in Self-acceptance, there is fear held in how others view us.
Venus reminds us of the Love that flows through connection with others. There is a desire to reach out, to share the Light of our Heart's with the collective at this time.
The planet Venus is represented in alchemy by the metal: Copper. Think of the connecting and conductive properties of the copper wires in your home which allow electricity to flow. There has to be balance between the positive and negative. There has to be balance between the above (voltage) and below (Ground/Earth). The switch must be turned ON for the power to flow.
Abundance flows on these currents, opening the Heart to receive the reflection of one's own Self-worth.
Now is the time to assess the assets held within, to remove the resistance and turn up the dimmer-switch so that the inner Light of Love can send waves of compassion to connect the Heart with others.
The White Queen of the Pleiadian High Elven Star Beings has been very present with me this week. She brings awareness of the power of the Heart. She shows me the inter-connectivity which is possible, beyond the physical realms and lifts my awareness in to a higher perspective.
Here I was shown images of The High Priestess & The Hierophant in the Tarot. Both have two pillars by their sides, holding a space between the above and below so they can be fully present and supported in the in-between realms. The human in the center is the path through which the light flows to complete the trinity.
A supportive message came through me to address the relationship between the archetypal Feminine and Masculine. With the energy of Venus bolstering the feminine energies so strongly at this time, we, the women of the world, are being asked to step into our creative power to send much Love towards the evolving Sacred Masculine to develop a truly harmonious balance.
I was shown the Heart-Light of the Feminine igniting a 'fuse line'. A line of power in the land which bonds/binds the Hearts of our Men to the old patterns of patriarchal structure. Many men feel bound to the old ways and fear the unknown of the New. As the feminine fire-of-compassionate-Love burned it's way along the fuse-line I witnessed it dissolve the structures of false-power held in the masculine psyche. Here the roots of power-games and war were freed to form new ways.
Today the Sun and Moon, the Masculine and the Feminine, come together in a powerful way to hold the Light for empowered Change by embracing each other in the shadows of the eclipse. This is timely, as the May Day celebrations of Beltane remind us of this sacred union.
The line-of-light flows through our value systems, even through our money, to remind us of the vibration of exchange, one heart to another.
Both Male or Female are asked to empower their own Hearts through nurturing Self-Love and to empower others by sharing their gifts.
Avebury Meditation
Stillness in the air. Stillness in the land, allowing all to expand with natural radiance from within, to connect the cosmic currents through Stone and Star in resonance with the pulsing Heartbeat of Gaia. Her love radiates to the surface to entrain the rhythms of our world in harmonic harmony, empowering the possibility of cohesion in the collective.
Those willing to open their Hearts fully contribute greatly towards creating this dream. The vision of this dream of all dreams in held in the Heart of Gaia and is brought into being by those who's own Heart embraces Love and radiates compassion.
Through our meditation we connected in a conscious way with the Venusian's to bring new star-codes to our world through the eclipse window, as Venus in conjunction with expanding Jupiter sitting among the Pisces Stars offered the strongest vibration at this time.
Wave upon wave of heart-expanding Love was gifted to us and through us to benefit ALL. The words which came were: Follow the flows, the flows, the flows, the flows, the flows. Follow the flows.
The St Micheal Ley, which holds it's UK center point in Avebury, is orientated to align with the Beltane Sunrise. This year, at this potent time of transition into a new paradigm, the Sun and Moon sit together in the sky, entwined in union, to bring the vibration of balance to the masculine and feminine forces.
Personally I envision this important Ley extending beyond the boundaries of the UK to travel under the oceans and around the world as the global Heart-Line. Today it is ablaze with unified Light, delivering new flows of silver and gold through the power-lines within our Planet.
Mercury in alignment with the Pleiades Stars opened another corridor of communication for us to explore. It was the collective of higher-dimensional Beings-of-Light who engaged with us to bring awareness to what is possible when we link head & heart to harness the inherent power of the light-tools within us. They surrounded us is such refined vibrations of enlightenment and Love that the right words to convey the experience don't exist. It was a feeling beyond joy, beyond love because there was such stillness and these vibrations have powerful movement. This was a place of utter tranquility, like in the suspended space between the in-breath and out-breath when a one is in awe of the surroundings, and so very expansive.
I feel new levels of Trust rise within, as my long-time relationship with these supportive Beings deepens. I glimpse a clear vision of the heights it is possible for us ALL to reach in the future, and I pledge my Heart to focus upon bringing this creation into Being.
Sending Starlight Blessings and much Love to ALL, as always ~ Sue.
Sue Coulson: Channel | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of Cosmic Classroomâ„¢, Avebury, UK.
Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos from the Heart of the Avebury Stone Circle.