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Scorpio Solar Eclipse Reality Check

Scorpio New Moon ~ 25th October 2022 at 11.49 BST. Partial Solar Eclipse from 09.58 to 14.02 with Shadow Max at 12.00 BST.

(UK Time, adjust for your location).

The Sun, Moon, Venus conjunction in the zodiac sign of Scorpio is in a trine to Mars in Gemini; suggesting a harmonious exchange between masculine & feminine archetypes once again.

The golden light of a dazzling dawn quickly disappeared, as a thin veil of fog rolled down from the hills, as if the clouds from above were descending to touch the ground, or the Earth was rising up into the sky.

Either way, there was a potent sense of stillness forming, directing awareness into the Now moment, where the growing eclipse energy seemed to press the 'reality check' button in the Heart and Mind.

As we start this new lunar cycle in the shadows of an eclipse, there is an opportunity to dive deep within for the next few weeks, to access all that is of value, and to transform/release all that is not.

Sending blessings from the Avebury Stones to surround every-body in starlight, as always, whilst integrating new patterns of potential


Sue Couslon: Channel | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of : Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.

Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos from the Heart of the Avebury Stone Circle.


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