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Why is Sarsen Stone Special?

Crystal Skull Sunday: 17th July 2022

For Crystal Skull Sunday this week it is a simple message that is shared, sending much Love your way from the Sarsen Stones of the Avebury Stone Circle, and a special Saren Stone Skull.

Sarsen Stone is a very hard stone. A silicrete: a dense, hard rock created from Sand (Quartz) bound by more silica (quartz), which flowed into the gaps in a liquid state, and then solidified into cement, making it a compact silicified sandstone. It is naturally local to Avebury and the surrounding area.

The megaliths of the Avebury Stone Circle, and the large trilithon's of Stonehenge are all Sarsen Stone, which means these ancient sacred sites are constructed from mostly Quartz, a natural energy transducer. Outcrops of Sarsen Stones can still be found laying the fields in the Avebury Landscape. They are known as greywethers, and from a distance resemble resting sheep.

I find Sarsen Stone to be very comforting. No matter how fractured the view of Self may be, whether on a physical, mental (scattered thoughts) or emotional level, it nurtures the sense of Strength within. It also supports us as we integrate the many aspects of the mulit-dimensional Self.


Sue Coulson: Channel | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of : Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.

Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos from the Heart of the Avebury Stone Circle.


Crystal Skull Meditation are hosted regularly in the Cosmic Classroom, located inside the Avebury Stone Circle.

Learn more HERE

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