22nd August 2024
Today the Sun makes it exact annual conjunction with Regulus, the Heart-Star of Leo the Lion, delivering much new illumination for our growing Heart-consciousness, as a collective.
Message from the Lionine Star Beings:
'Deep within the Heart's core is an eternal flame of pure Love. It can be accessed through serene surrender of the Mind.
Hold fiercely to the gentle thoughts which empower the Heart's Light, to fully engage with this source of Sovereignty'.
Surrounding every-body in the strength of Lion-heart'd Love ~ Sue xXx
Sue Coulson: Channel for the Star Nations | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of: Cosmic Classroomâ„¢, Avebury, UK.
Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos from the Heart of the Avebury Stone Circle, and beyond.