Monday 19th August 2024 at 19.26 BST. (UK Time. Adjust for your location).
Avebury Stone Circle. Wiltshire. UK.
Rain fell, softening the land, opening the pathways to allow the starlight flowing on the moonbeams of the Aquarius Full Moon to be integrated smoothly into the energy pathways coursing through the Avebury Stone Circle.
The masculine and feminine currents of the St Michael Ley were narrow, focused, and pulsing powerfully in harmony, to elevate the Heart into new levels of connected-consciousness.
I was joined by a small group of special souls for the Cosmic Connection Meditation, and there was so much joy felt rising within us all due to the energy we engaged with.
With a sense of sweet surrender, gentleness and grace, we anchored the orange star-codes from Gienah, in the wing of Cygnus the Swan, into the cosmic infra-structure. The Beings-of-Light who delivered this transmission spoke of the delicate flame of eternal light at the very core of the Self ~ The spark which calls us Home to the full acceptance of the multi-dimensional Self. They wished for us to recognize both the gentleness/softness and the dynamic forceful strength of the individual Sovereign-Self, because we are being asked to merge more fully within the collective. With the potent astrology of this time ~ Now, we are ALL being guided to take another step into living within the expanded energy of the New Aquarian Age, and that required mastery in Self-identification.
The Heart of Gaia is tenderly nurturing this expanding Light. Call on her to gift it to you, for she supports you fully in claiming your Self-empowerment.
Surrounding every-body in starlight blessings, as always ~ Sue xXx
Sue Coulson: Channel for the Star Nations | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of: Cosmic Classroomâ„¢, Avebury, UK.
Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos from the Heart of the Avebury Stone Circle, and beyond.