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Preparing for Lion Gate with the Elven

Crystal Skull Sunday ~ 7th August 2022

The Elven One’s of the Pleiades Stars come forward today to stand as sentinels beside the Lion Gate; to direct the flows of Love that will be delivered to the Hearts of Humanity through the 8.8 Solar-portal, which will open a clear pathway to the Stars of the Leo Constellation on the 8th August.

The Elven have a long-held interest in the evolution of heart-centred consciousness of our Kind, as they recognize and support the expansion which ripples away from our place in space to influence not just the light-structures in our Solar-system but much further, into our galaxy and beyond.

As we step closer towards 5D living, where awareness of collective-consciousness will one day be fully present, we are asked now to commit to holding the Light; not just to influence our personal point of attraction, but to contribute fully as cosmic-citizens in creating a new way for ALL.

New Star-codes are offered to us today, to ease the flow of that which will follow tomorrow.

You are invited to focus on the Pleiades Stars to receive their transmission of Light, designed to support the opening of your Heart to greater awareness of Self-Love, and the Peace this imbues, in readiness for receiving Monday’s energy upgrade from the Lionine Star Beings.

There has been a spectacular sunset at the Avebury Stones this evening, with the Moon making a magnificent appearance too.

As the energy builds towards the 8.8 Lion Gate and then the Aquarius Full Moon on the 11th there is much expansion to prepare for.

Stay centered in your Hearts my friends and embrace the Golden Rays with Love.

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