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22-10-22 Balanced Love

On the 22nd October 2022 at 22.02 BST (UK Time, adjust for your location) we find Venus, the planet of Love, in direct conjunction with the Sun, who’s golden rays radiate from the Heart of the solar system to shine a light on the perception of Self. There are unifying aspects here, feminine and masculine archetypal energies of heart and mind, to bring a balanced perspective to a deeper understanding of Self Love.

Message from the Venusian Lightbeings: ‘An expanded level of conscious awareness flows to those who listen closely to the rhythms of the Heart. ‘The’ moment of clarity, when the mind is still and the Heart is heard clearly, allows a picture of wholeness of the cosmic Self to form. It is seen that golden threads bind moments one to another, hearts to hearts, souls to souls, through eternity. Nothing is lost or gained, only maintained through remembering, or released by redirecting the focus of the mind.

The values you hold dear form the foundations of all manifestations. From the chamber of stillness within the Heart, face the shadow of fear with the light of Love. Refine your vibration to reach resonance with the integrity of the Soul. Honor the Self. Choose with Love. Hold all those who surround you in the loving embrace of compassion. In this way, ripples radiate through the timelines to reprogram the heart-field of humanity, past and future’.

New star-codes arrive on the Blue Rays to create functions of cohesion in the brain to allow the knowing of the Heart to rise, and the power of sovereign to be claimed. Here the unfolding of the golden rose flourishes and ALL Love blooms.


Sue Couslon: Channel | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of : Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.

Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos from the Heart of the Avebury Stone Circle.

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