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Avebury: Sagittarius New Moon 2023

12th December 2023 at 23.31 GMT (Adjust for your location).

Remote meditation (Personally absent due to illness).

The energy of this moon has been about future planning ~ Purging old patterns to make way for expansion into new possibilities.

The Sagittarian archer demands of us the strenght to hold a clear directive for the path of the Heart, even if the outcome is not fully visable, because it is still forming. There is an element of trust required, as the vibrational beacon which is calling us forwards is resonating with the heigher aspects of Self.

From the sactuary of my sick-bed my attention was called to the North, and a message was received: 'The wisdom-keepers of the white-realm are preparing to change the guard, to allow for further expansion in the Light-structures of the Cosmos'.

I am told by a friend, who was out among the stones for the zenith, that a huge amount of Light flowed in to the earth-grids via the circle as a starlight transmission. How wonderful, and a beautiful confirmation for the words I received remotely. Today is a short report, but it is filled with starry blessings, as always ~ Sue 🌟✨


Sue Coulson: Channel for the Star Nations | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of: Cosmic Classroomâ„¢, Avebury, UK.

Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos from the Heart of the Avebury Stone Circle.

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