Sue Coulson: Founder of Cosmic Classroom

Dec 5, 20215 min

Welcoming the Solar Eclipse Star-Codes into the Avebury Stone Circle

4th December 2021: Eclipse Max at 07.33 & New Moon Zenith at 07.43 GMT.

Sun in total shadow from 07.00 to 08.06. Sun in partial shadow from 05.29 to 09.37.

In the pre-dawn light a thin veil of mist could been seen hugging the ground around the sacred stones of the Avebury circle at the time when the shadow of the moon was perceivable moving over the face of the Sun from the southern hemisphere.

The energy radiating from the Michael/Mary currents which run through this ancient site were vastly expanded, stable and still, creating an empowering aura which hung tangibly in the air.

I closed my eyes to attune to the vibrations in the Earth and was taken deep underground to the place where new undefinable aspects were forming to stabilize the crystalline structures of the New Earth grids. Shudders rippled through my body as I felt the power of these vibrations, and the world seemed much brighter when I re-opened my eyes.

It didn't seem to take long for the dawn light to grow. From darkness to light passed in no time at all today and brought a reminder that Light is never far away.

At the moment of the Eclipse maximum, 07.33 GMT, I visited the Obelisk, the marker at the center of the southern inner circle which denotes the masculine/Solar aspect of this balanced stone structure. As I approached I noticed that there appeared to be a dark circle around it, like a shadow on the grass, which I thought was very interesting.

Pausing here to sense into the vibrations in the Land I felt 5 subtle pulses rise from the Earth like an exaggerated heart-beat marking the moment of the inception of the New Moon. This turned my attention to the contribution Venus (resonance pattern of five-fold geometry) is making today, holding a harmonious point between Mars and Neptune in the astrological aspects.

Much is changing and re-forming within us and around us at this time and I was grateful to have received a channeled message containing insights from my guides from the starlight realms during an online group meditation just a short while later:

'Inspiration comes, to lead you smoothly on a path of empowerment for the Self and greatest good for ALL. This calling is in resonance with your Soul-path and the great vision the Earth holds for her future. Listen to the subtle knowing within and Trust! Choose your actions wisely as they contribute to the creation of the reality which surround you'.

Particle of Silver and Gold, along with Orange and Purple landed on the surface of the planet. These star-codes were gifted to expand the sensitivity of perception so that precognitive information, and other higher dimensional functionality, could be embodied to allow clearer glimpses into the future.

I was reminded of part of a message which came last week from the Lionine Starbeings:
The path to the future time-lines have been cleared by those who walk before you. Now is the time for YOU to move forwards. Release your bonds to old patterns. Your freedom awaits'. (To read the whole message see below)

Another message came through the Eclipse portal from the Sagittarrius Lightbeings we were connecting with: There are spirals in the time-lines, loops upon loops, like an old coiled telephone cable, that bend and curve through space-time and are not linear in any way.

Your perception of Self must shift from one of a linear lifetime in order for the Soul-Self to be fully valued and integrated into your perception of reality. This is confusing to your Ego-mind, as it is focused firmly in the Now. Practice mastery of the Mind, for a gateway must be found and opened for the inter-dimensional gifts of the new paradigm to be harnessed fully.

I was shown an image of a spinning spiral disk, the kind used for hypnosis, and was told that watching such a disk would shift the Mind into an altered state of being; and that it might be disorientating at first and could require external support to use, but that it is a gateway which hold many benefits on the other side.

I have found such a thing on Youtube and have practiced a little with it today. I find the effects very interesting. Please note: this video is not on the Cosmic Classroom™ Youtube channel and you are watching content from a 3rd party's page which we have no affiliation with or control over.

I welcome your feedback about your experiences with this.

Sending Starlight Blessings on the Moonbeams of the Eclipse ~ With Love, Sue xXx

Sue Coulson: Channel | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.

Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos.

The next Online Meditation is for the Gemini Full Moon and Galactic Center Alignment on the 18th December 2021. View the details HERE

Passing along an earth-shaking Roar of Lion's Love which was received on 23rd November 2021.

So much has been unfolding around me and within me in the week since the Lunar Eclipse. In this shadow time there is much to be learned about the Light we hold inside to illuminate our own darkness, and how to contribute that light to the collective to create positive change for all.

A message was received from a Lionine Starbeing of Alnilam in the Orion constellation during our monthly group meditation to connect with these regal Beings. We found ourselves encircled by an exuberant pride of Lions encouraging us to contribute to the vibrations being emitted from the Earth into the Cosmos.

'Merrily we dance. Merrily we play. Merrily we shout/roar to express the joy of this day.

Activation's are resounding through rock, river & tree; of the joyful expression of Lion-hearted Love, for all to see.

We call on our heart-Kin, those who walk with purpose & Love; to express the vibrations of Joy to ALL above.

It is a signal of self-sovereignty, readiness and reason; reason to rejoice in connections to a new consciousness season.

Now is the time for All to become One. To understand the unity, with clarity. It is done!

With Light radiating from ALL Hearts of your kind, the world is ready to embrace a new peace of mind.

The time is now to raise Hearts and voices.
The time is now for ALL to rejoice with us.
The time is now for All fear to cease.
The time is now to Love as One in Peace.

We call on you dear sisters and brothers to hold the Light strongly, and sound the Lion's Roar of Love, on and on, longley.......

It truly is time. The markers of a New Age have been achieved and seen. Trust! You are asked to trust fearlessly. Fear must be mastered, as it anchors you to the old ways, and this shadow time holds many opportunities for this to be achieved. The path to the future time-lines have been cleared by those who walk before you. Now is the time for YOU to move forwards. Release your bonds to old patterns. Your freedom awaits'. ~ Sue Coulson.
